Sandy’s Pups Are 5 Weeks Old!

Ready To Meet Their New Families On 10/28/24.

Maturing to the medium size between 25-35lbs they have a soft fleece coat.

The theme of this week is more of an individualized focus on each puppy’s recovery time.

At this stage of their life, the puppies enter the first of three fear periods”.  Studies have shown that at 5 weeks, 8 weeks and again at 12 weeks of age the puppies are more aware and cautious of new experiences. Therefore at Royal Manor it is all hands on deck to spend as much time playing, cuddling and spending a little more individual one on one time with each pup.

Our goal this week is to introduce a new experience daily and foster a positive learning experience.  This upcoming week we will even take a car trip! 

Puppies are transitioning nicely through the weaning process and really enjoying the soaked kibble.

This week the pups really enjoyed some outside time running through the wet grass.  This is one of my kids favorite weeks as they enjoy playing with the pups outside! 

Sandra Dee’s Pups Are 4 Weeks Old!

Weekly highlights: Your puppy is now 4 weeks old.  Puppies weigh almost 4lbs.  Your puppy has moved into the Communication Trinity of the Puppy Culture training process. 

At this stage of their life, physical exercise is critical to their development.   Studies have shown just how important it is for puppies to get lots of physical exercise as it actually causes the brain to grow larger than puppies that do not get adequate exercise.   Their pen area has doubled in size and they really enjoy running around our house as they play and interact with our family.

Your puppy continues to be presented with new toys and obstacles to aid in their enrichment training.  We continue to optimize the training opportunity during the critical window. Pups are introduced to new situations and we have been working with their startle reflex.   It is important during this window they develop the ability to be startled and are able to recover quickly.  Recovering quickly helps them mature into confident dogs that can handle new and challenging situations.

We are starting the weaning process and your puppy is learning to eat gruel.   It’s a messy event and they come away wearing just as much as they eat.

Sandra Dee’s Pups – Are 3 Weeks Old!

Ready To Meet You On 10/28/24

Your new family member is now in the Critical Socialization period of their training process.

During these next several weeks we focus on introducing and exposing them to new items and situations to reinforce behaviors and experiences. At the young age of 3 weeks to 12 weeks sometimes just one exposure could be enough to learn something or accept something new. During this time, they have no need for the fear response so almost every exposure reinforces a positive experience to ultimately reduce the stress and helps once they develop the ability to fear.

By the time your they are 5 months old to 1 year, it could take multiple exposures to achieve the same results as just once at this young age.

Over the next several weeks we will focus on several key elements to include Communication, Emotional Stability, Habituation, Enrichment, Health, Skills and Love!

Your new family member is becoming stronger on their feet and learning to communicate with their voices. They are learning to play with their littermates and with newly introduced toys. Already we are seeing great strides in their confidence.

Within just a few days of being transferred to their new larger pen area, they have amazingly demonstrated the natural instinct of moving away from their sleeping area/beds and have started to show interest in eliminating on the potty system.

I have introduced a small number of soft toys – they seem to love sucking on those and snuggling up to them.

Sandra Dee’s Week 2 Pupdate

Ready To Meet Their New Families on 10/28/24 – IS THAT YOU?

They have moved into the transitional period of their training process. Their eyes are now starting to open and they are seeing the big world around them. They are learning how to balance on all fours as they learn to walk around the whelping area. They are developing their vocals and learning to use that to communicate to both mom and litter mates. They are learning to play with each other and have started to suck on each other as a way to communicate and play. The litter is transitioning from the whelping box to a whelping pen throughout the day so they have more room to learn to walk around. They are urinating and pooping on their own. Previously those tasks were stimulated by mom through licking. We are starting to introduce the family socialization aspect of their training. Each and everyone loves the extra snuggles from us all.

Sandra Dee’s Puppies – Week 1 Update

Weekly highlights: Your puppy is now a week old and boy does this litter have a great appetite.  Mom is doing a fantastic job making sure her puppies are staying full and warm.   Your puppy has already begun in his/her critical life training.  At Royal Manor Labradoodles, we are following the Puppy Culture Training program.  Our goal is to not only provide you with an amazing healthy puppy that comes from an exceptional pedigree, but also has developed some basic training.  At this very young age the training involves stimulating the neural system.   Daily neurological training from age 3 days to 16 days helps strengthen the puppies overall health for the rest of their life.  The training is designed to achieve stronger heartbeats, stronger heart rates, more resistance to disease and a greater tolerance to stress.

Some fun facts about this litter:  

Currently they are learning to pull themselves around the whelping area to find mom and each other through the use of heat sensory. Also, they have doubled in weight since birth.

Sandra Dee Is Expecting

Sandra Dee’s expected due date is 09/03/24. Sandra will produce RED and APRICOT pups maturing to MEDIUM size ranging 30-45lbs.

Our reservation list is officially open and we have 2 spots remaining before pups are born.