Sandra Dee’s Pups – Are 3 Weeks Old!

Ready To Meet You On 10/28/24

Your new family member is now in the Critical Socialization period of their training process.

During these next several weeks we focus on introducing and exposing them to new items and situations to reinforce behaviors and experiences. At the young age of 3 weeks to 12 weeks sometimes just one exposure could be enough to learn something or accept something new. During this time, they have no need for the fear response so almost every exposure reinforces a positive experience to ultimately reduce the stress and helps once they develop the ability to fear.

By the time your they are 5 months old to 1 year, it could take multiple exposures to achieve the same results as just once at this young age.

Over the next several weeks we will focus on several key elements to include Communication, Emotional Stability, Habituation, Enrichment, Health, Skills and Love!

Your new family member is becoming stronger on their feet and learning to communicate with their voices. They are learning to play with their littermates and with newly introduced toys. Already we are seeing great strides in their confidence.

Within just a few days of being transferred to their new larger pen area, they have amazingly demonstrated the natural instinct of moving away from their sleeping area/beds and have started to show interest in eliminating on the potty system.

I have introduced a small number of soft toys – they seem to love sucking on those and snuggling up to them.

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