Sandra Dee’s Pups Are 4 Weeks Old!

Weekly highlights: Your puppy is now 4 weeks old.  Puppies weigh almost 4lbs.  Your puppy has moved into the Communication Trinity of the Puppy Culture training process. 

At this stage of their life, physical exercise is critical to their development.   Studies have shown just how important it is for puppies to get lots of physical exercise as it actually causes the brain to grow larger than puppies that do not get adequate exercise.   Their pen area has doubled in size and they really enjoy running around our house as they play and interact with our family.

Your puppy continues to be presented with new toys and obstacles to aid in their enrichment training.  We continue to optimize the training opportunity during the critical window. Pups are introduced to new situations and we have been working with their startle reflex.   It is important during this window they develop the ability to be startled and are able to recover quickly.  Recovering quickly helps them mature into confident dogs that can handle new and challenging situations.

We are starting the weaning process and your puppy is learning to eat gruel.   It’s a messy event and they come away wearing just as much as they eat.

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